A behind-the-scenes look at conservation work for PlayTime from curator Trevor Smith. A detail of the reverse side of Agustina Woodgate’s work Royal, 2010, stuffed animal toy skins, Collection of Alan Kluger and Amy Dean. #Repost @presenttense99 ・・・ NowHere (care bears) When work is lent to @peabodyessex or another museum we have a duty of care to ensure that the work is returned to the owner in the same condition we received it. Sometimes, as is the case with the “rugs” made from eviscerated teddy bears that Agustina Woodgate (@lawoodgate) is showing in @pemplaytime the conservation team need to consider how the work is to be hung. Sewing reversible fabric tabs onto the hanging edge ensures that the work will not be unduly distorted or torn by its own weight when it is hung from clips. #pemplaytime #peabodyessexmuseum