Trevor Smith, PEM’s Curator of the Present Tense, offers a look at the installation process for PlayTime artist Angela Washko’s video game–based work. Just a few weeks until opening! #pemplaytime #Repost @presenttense99 with @get_repost ・・・ NowHere (digital dirt) For #pemplaytime @peabodyessex @angelawashko has produced an installation that is an overview of the works that she produced inside of #worldofwarcraft from 2012-2017. This week the installers came to lay down the floor for the installation which is derived from the landscape in the game itself. While we are presenting a contained immersive installation, I greatly admire how #angelawashko produced her work inside the game itself. At Its peak WoW had some 10 million active players. Museum visitation is not this large of course, but can be great places for reflection and for playful engagement with complex realities. #peabodyessexmuseum @pemplaytime