Game on! PlayTime on is live! Join the conversation: how is play changing our lives? In advance of the exhibition, we’ll explore the shifting role of play in art and culture with leading writers, thinkers, game designers, poets, artists—and you. This week, check out features by Virginia Heffernan, Carlo Rotella, Eric Zimmerman, J. Robert Lennon, Lizzie Stark, Angela Washko, Adam Bessie and Jason Novak, and more. #pemplaytime #peabodyessex @peabodyessex


PLAY spurs productivity.
PLAY is a catalyst for creativity.
PLAY is an escape from conformity.
PLAY reinvents the rules.
PLAY empowers the players.
PLAY stimulates innovation.
PLAY enables exploration.
PLAY is a response to uncertainty.
PLAY rewards misbehavior.
PLAY negotiates conflict.
PLAY resists productivity.
PLAY is _______________.


What’s your take on the MANIFESTO?
