Game-Changing: A Crossword

Puzzlemaster David Steinberg developed this games-themed crossword just for PlayTime. Download this printable PDF version to complete at your leisure and when you’re ready for a peek at the answers they’re here.


1. What some jeans do

4. Winter pear variety

8. Got along

13. “That’s so not cool!”

14. Sea creature that can swim 40 mph

15. Top 10 hit for Elvis Presley and Lil Wayne

16.                               S



18. Add lots and lots of

19. “Hell ___ no fury . . . ”

20. Kind of board used for spelling

22. Catch red-handed

23. “The Lord of the Rings” actor Sean

25. Ope[rat]ion

28. You might skip them

30. Carrier to Sweden

31. Letters on a stick, in cartoons

32. Nintendo game with a Balance Board

35. Bara of silent films

37. Sergio

40. Chicken serving

41. ___ meteor shower

42. Glass on the radio

43. Quarterback Manning

45. Like a small garage


53. Chosen one in a kids’ game

54. Kung ___ chicken

55. Did some data entry

57. “Call of Duty: Black Ops” guns

58. Pitch perfect?

60. Peabody Essex Museum exhibition that suggests games . . . and an inspiration for this puzzle

62. Colorful aquarium fish

63. 2016 Isabelle Huppert film

64. Really long time

65. / or \

66. Female deer

67. Movie format, eventually



1. “For example?”

2. Open-mouthed

3. Needy part of a city

4. ___ choy

5. Cookies and Cream cookie

6. Rugby formation

7. Timex competitor

8. Batman, to the Joker

9. French for before

10. Banter

11. My Chemical Romance and others

12. Place to do a jigsaw puzzle

15. Capital of Tibet

17. Friendly conversation

21. Angry partner’s dismissal

24. Disagreeable choice

26. Leftmost member of a violin quartet?

27. ___ meeting

29. Basic dog command

33. Adjective for a Persian

34. Wrath

36. Cops may search for one

37. Shell fragments

38. Italian bread inspired by the baguette

39. Palindromic singer

40. Shop ___ you drop

44. Facebook group?

46. Snuggled (up)

47. Author who coined the term “robotics”

48. Forward, perhaps

50. Personal letter sign-off

51. Did some data entry

52. Word on a name tag

56. Broad valley

58. They’re in the singular

59. “Meh, I’ll pass”

61. “Sure, I’ll do it!”

Game-Changing: Crossword Puzzle Solution

Note: Contains spoilers for the crossword puzzle, so please play first!


Play has been a major part of my life for as long as I can remember. Before I started constructing crossword puzzles, I played with everything from jigsaw puzzles to Hot Wheels cars. I especially loved word games like Scrabble, Super Scrabble, and Jotto, so my eventual crossword obsession wasn’t too much of a surprise! Now that I’m older, play plays (pun intended) a huge role in every crossword puzzle I make. Perhaps the best way to illustrate that is to walk you through how I constructed this puzzle.

My inspiration was actually a comic strip called Baby Blues, in which the two children in the strip’s regularly occurring family of characters have combined chess, Monopoly, Candy Land, Mousetrap, and other board games, as one of them exclaims, “How many Yahtzees does it take to sink a Battleship?”

This strip had me laughing out loud—what a preposterous mixture of board games! “Wait a second,” I remember thinking, “a mixture of board games … a puzzle I’m building for an exhibit about play … playing with board games for wacky results … classic rebus puzzles … maybe I’m onto something here!” My brainstorm started with the games in the comic. Queen Frostine is from Candy Land, so how about reparsing “Candy Land” as “c and yland,” forming the rebus clue “CYLAND”? Not a bad example, but also not a “Wow!” in my mind since so many of the letters (Y, L, A, N, and D) don’t get played with.

After a few more false starts (not much I could do with CHESS, and none of the ideas I had for MONOPOLY worked out to my satisfaction), I noticed Mousetrap. Aha, what about making a literal mousetrap? When I noticed I could clue MOUSETRAP as “Ope[rat]ion,” another board game, I was off and rolling.

One thing I really like about this idea is how each theme clue is a mini-puzzle of its own, thus focusing more heavily on play than a traditional crossword would. For those of you who are still puzzled, here’s a breakdown of the theme clues:



E                      = the letters E, R, and S in a checkmark = CHECKERS


Ope[rat]ion = a mouse trapped in a longer word = MOUSETRAP

Sergio = an anagram of the letters G, O, R, I, E, and S = scatter gories = SCATTERGORIES (Note: I also could have gone with the clue “Orgies,” but I didn’t want to play dirty ;).)

TLARH = the letters LA next to the letter R, all of that surrounded by the letters T and H = la by r in th = LABYRINTH

Once the theme was in place, I moved on to the fill. To me, filling a crossword puzzle is a form of group play: I want to make sure everyone is having a good time by sprinkling in liveliness (which I tried to do with entries like SHRAPNEL, CIABATTA, and CHINWAG), while at the same time keeping obscurity and uninteresting entries to a bare minimum. When I’m stuck using a weak entry, I once again focus on solvers. Nobody’s going to love PAO (clued as “Kung ___ chicken”) or BOK (“___ choy”), but on the plus side, these trade-offs are relatively easy fill-ins and give newer solvers toeholds. “Crosswordese” trade-offs like oast (a hops-drying oven) and amah (an Asian nanny) are to me the worst kinds of entries since they’re neither interesting nor inferable. I avoid such entries as much as possible, because they seem like foul play.

Some of my favorite pun/misdirection clues here are “Kind of board used for spelling” (OUIJA), “You might skip them” (STONES), “Glass on the radio” (IRA), “Pitch perfect?” (IN TUNE), “Leftmost member of a violin quartet?” (E STRING), and “They’re in the singular” for ITS. But it would get annoying and tiring if every clue were a pun. My philosophy on clues is to make them playful but not obtrusively so.

Happy solving!


