Dispatches from the Field: PAX East

Join PEM as we head out on the road to see the places and meet the players who make up the state of play today. In this installment, we visit PAX, the largest gaming convention in North America, and talk to gamers who are drawn into this global community.

Read the transcript.

Dispatches from the Field: Pax East: Transcript

“I’m at PAX East because I’ve been really into video games and board games for years.”

“We’re here because we love gaming and we always want to see what’s on the forefront of the industry.”

“This is my first PAX East. It just seemed like it would be fun to come to.”

“I just love gaming. Love the people here. Love meeting new people.”

“I love cosplay. I love gaming. I work so much and it’s so great to get away and be in a community full of people that are just as crazy as you are!”

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